“Kerry is very thorough and professional. I saw her just before I took my driving test because I wanted to calm my nerves. I passed the test, which was down to me but I felt so confident and relaxed on the day and that was down to the hypnotherapy”. CS, Wymondham
How are you?
I’ve just posted another review of my hypnotherapy services on the testimonials page of this web site. If you would like to add a comment please get in touch. I do get a lot of good feedback from people and it’s always wonderful to hear how you are doing.
Anger mangement
Sometimes our responses to particular situations or people can cause us to feel angry, frustrated or impatient. Everyone feels anger at some point in their lives and at times it can be a healthy response to an unreasonable situation, but when anger starts to cause problems with relationships, at work, or perhaps in other areas of your life, it becomes a problem. [Read more…]
Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, commonly referred to as IBS is a widespread and chronic gastrointestinal disorder. It is a distressing condition and although not dangerous, can be debilitating. IBS is a functional disorder which means that whilst there is no abnormality in the structure of the gut the function of the gut is abnormal. This can be extremely frustrating for sufferers. Not only do suffers have to tolerate the symptoms of the disorder but also, due to the inability of doctors to locate any physical indicators of IBS those diagnosed often worry that their symptoms are indicative of a more serious medical condition. [Read more…]
Smoking cessation
The dangers of smoking are well publicised and if you are reading this you will probably already be aware of the damage and risks that smoking presents. You will also understand the financial implications of your habit.
You may have unsuccessfully tried to give up in the past or you may want to attempt to give up for the first time. Whichever category you fall into I cannot stress enough that for treatment to be successful you must be truly committed to becoming a non-smoker.
Hypnotherapy is powerful in its ability to enable you to stop smoking and success can often be achieved in just one session. My goal is for you to become a non-smoker for the rest of your life. [Read more…]
Weight loss
Using hypnotherapy to lose weight is a natural and safe way to change your eating habits permanently and lose weight effortlessly. Many diets aim to achieve a quick fix by enabling you to drop weight rapidly by restriction of calorie intake to unsustainably low levels. These diets often cause a cycle of yo yo dieting as you lose weight quickly and then put it back on when you stop the diet. This can be harmful to your health, your self-esteem and your confidence and lead to feelings of despair.
I find with many people that they know how to lose weight but they have such a strong emotional relationship with food that they can’t stop eating in a way which is causing them to maintain or put weight on. For others their unwanted eating behaviours have become habitual and they just can’t seem to break the habit. [Read more…]
We all experience stress at different levels and for different reasons. A small amount of stress is healthy and can actually motivate us positively but there are times in our lives, perhaps due to family, financial, social or work pressures that we experience unhealthy levels of stress. Our responses to stress also differ but may include heart rate and blood pressure increase, feelings of fear, anger, frustration or lack of control. These feelings can continue long after the original reason for the stress has gone, impacting on your physical and mental health. [Read more…]
Habits and addictions
A habit is a something that we do frequently, often without thinking about it. Many habits are harmless but if the habitual behaviour is unwanted then it can cause distress. An addiction is a more extreme form of unwanted behaviour. People often feel that they are out of control and have lost any power or ability to direct their actions. The consequences of additions can be life destroying.
Hypnosis can erase your unwanted habitual or addictive behaviour by reprogramming your sub concious mind so that it no longer sends you a trigger to engage in the unwanted behaviour. Hypnosis can also be used to give you conscious recognition that you are about to engage in habitual or addictive behaviour so you can stop it in it’s tracks.
Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders are common and often occur at stressful times in our lives. Transient insomnia usually only lasts for a few days to a few weeks after which we revert back to a normal sleep pattern but chronic insomnia is more debilitating and can last from a few weeks to months or even years. Insomniacs may find it difficult to drift off to sleep, they may wake in the night and be unable to go back to sleep or they may wake up too early. [Read more…]
Fears / Phobias
Phobias are common and many of us are able to live with our phobia without it interfering with our ability to function normally. For example, the fear of spiders is common but most of us with this fear will simply deal with it by avoiding contact with spiders. For some people though, it may be that the subject of your fear is unavoidable or perhaps so severe that it has caused you to take extreme measures to avoid it. You may recognise that the object of your fear is not proportional to your reaction to it but never the less you are unable to control your response. [Read more…]