Using hypnotherapy to lose weight is a natural and safe way to change your eating habits permanently and lose weight effortlessly. Many diets aim to achieve a quick fix by enabling you to drop weight rapidly by restriction of calorie intake to unsustainably low levels. These diets often cause a cycle of yo yo dieting as you lose weight quickly and then put it back on when you stop the diet. This can be harmful to your health, your self-esteem and your confidence and lead to feelings of despair.
I find with many people that they know how to lose weight but they have such a strong emotional relationship with food that they can’t stop eating in a way which is causing them to maintain or put weight on. For others their unwanted eating behaviours have become habitual and they just can’t seem to break the habit.
I can help you to change your relationship with food by addressing the emotional and habitual reasons for your overeating and poor food selection. I will give you the motivation and drive you need to sustain healthy eating patterns for life. I can also make changes to lessen your appetite or eliminate certain unhealthy foods from your diet.
Typically a thorough and permanent solution is achieved in around four to five sessions. Should you only wish to eliminate a certain food from your diet one session is usually enough. All sessions are recorded so you can reinforce the changes made periodically.